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We collaborate with brand and entrepreneur to produce innovation fastly and efficiency

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Our Programs for


Your idea to reality
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Update your biz

No matter what your idea is, there's bound to be someone else among our 8 billion cohabitants who has also had a similar or complementary idea. Therefore, you will need to conduct a benchmark study around your idea to identify your target market and your customer persona.

With these two elements and by leveraging existing resources, you can define the business model that will earn you millions (why not billions).

your idea

At the start, your product should be at the heart of your business, as it is through it that customers will join you. However, only your customers can help you create the perfect product. That's why it's essential to launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) as quickly as possible to gather initial feedback from your beta testers and validate your V1 based on this feedback

your product

Even though you may have the best product in the world in your eyes and those of your testers, it's crucial to find the right acquisition channel, one that won't cost you too much money or energy.

For this, there's nothing better than a Growth-Hacking strategy (yes, you'll be discussing with a real marketing hacker) to acquire your first customers at a lower cost.

Word of mouth from your customers will also be your best asset, as one customer who brings you three more can make your business take off very quickly.

your marketing

After so much anticipation, work, and questioning, you are finally ready to officially launch your startup.

Your first customers are the most important, as are the initial responses to your campaigns. We will need to analyze all the DATA we have to optimize our future actions. Everything you try will be a source of learning for what comes next.

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Des produits innovants adaptés
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Des produits innovants adaptés
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Digital experience creator

A team of experts working together to invent, experiment and produce innovation.

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